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In the last part, we extended our shopping cart database to let users add multiple addresses. We saw how to establish one-to-many relations between two tables, and how to use the monadic query interface to write SQL JOINs. In this installment, we'll be adding support for products and orders to our database schema. We'll see how to use an intermediary table to create many-to-many relations and how to write LEFT JOINs. Finally, we'll see how to use Nullable to create optional foreign key references.

Creating tables is easy now

Let's create our products table. By now, the pattern for adding a new table to the schema should be pretty familiar, so I'm going to skip the explanation.

data ProductT f = Product
                { _productId          :: C f Int32
                , _productTitle       :: C f Text
                , _productDescription :: C f Text
                , _productPrice       :: C f Int32 {- Price in cents -} }
                  deriving (Generic, Beamable)
type Product = ProductT Identity
deriving instance Show Product

instance Table ProductT where
  data PrimaryKey ProductT f = ProductId (Columnar f Int32)
                               deriving (Generic, Beamable)
  primaryKey = ProductId . _productId

For orders, we want to store an id, date created, and the user who made the order. We'd also like to create an optional link to a shipping information table. When the shipping information is created, we'll fill in the shipping information in the order. In order to create the optional reference, we're going to use the Nullable tag modifier to modify the column tag. Nullable will turn all fields of type x into Maybe x. Note that we could also create this relation by installing a primary key on the shipping info table, and this is arguably the better option. However, we'll go with a nullable foreign key here to show the full breadth of beam's features, and because this sort of relation exists in many existing databases.

import Data.Time

deriving instance Show (PrimaryKey AddressT Identity)

data OrderT f = Order
              { _orderId      :: Columnar f Int32
              , _orderDate    :: Columnar f LocalTime
              , _orderForUser :: PrimaryKey UserT f
              , _orderShipToAddress :: PrimaryKey AddressT f
              , _orderShippingInfo :: PrimaryKey ShippingInfoT (Nullable f) }
                deriving (Generic, Beamable)
type Order = OrderT Identity
deriving instance Show Order

instance Table OrderT where
    data PrimaryKey OrderT f = OrderId (Columnar f Int32)
                               deriving (Generic, Beamable)
    primaryKey = OrderId . _orderId

data ShippingCarrier = USPS | FedEx | UPS | DHL
                       deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum)

data ShippingInfoT f = ShippingInfo
                     { _shippingInfoId             :: Columnar f Int32
                     , _shippingInfoCarrier        :: Columnar f ShippingCarrier
                     , _shippingInfoTrackingNumber :: Columnar f Text }
                       deriving (Generic, Beamable)
type ShippingInfo = ShippingInfoT Identity
deriving instance Show ShippingInfo

instance Table ShippingInfoT where
    data PrimaryKey ShippingInfoT f = ShippingInfoId (Columnar f Int32)
                                      deriving (Generic, Beamable)
    primaryKey = ShippingInfoId . _shippingInfoId

deriving instance Show (PrimaryKey ShippingInfoT (Nullable Identity))

In the above example, we show how to use a custom data type as a beam column. Recall that beam lets you store any Haskell type in a Columnar. However, at some point, we will need to demonstrate to SQLite how to store values of type ShippingCarrier. We will come back to this later.

We would also like to be able to associate a list of products with each order as line items. To do this we will create a table with two foreign keys. This table will establish a many-to-many relationship between orders and products.

deriving instance Show (PrimaryKey OrderT Identity)
deriving instance Show (PrimaryKey ProductT Identity)

data LineItemT f = LineItem
                 { _lineItemInOrder    :: PrimaryKey OrderT f
                 , _lineItemForProduct :: PrimaryKey ProductT f
                 , _lineItemQuantity   :: Columnar f Int32 }
                   deriving (Generic, Beamable)
type LineItem = LineItemT Identity
deriving instance Show LineItem

instance Table LineItemT where
    data PrimaryKey LineItemT f = LineItemId (PrimaryKey OrderT f) (PrimaryKey ProductT f)
                                  deriving (Generic, Beamable)
    primaryKey = LineItemId <$> _lineItemInOrder <*> _lineItemForProduct


We used the Applicative instance for (->) a above to write the primaryKey function. The Applicative ((->) a) instance operates like an unwrapper Reader of a. The applicative actions are then functions from a -> x that inject values from the a into the applicative bind.

Now we'll add all these tables to our database.

-- Some convenience lenses

LineItem _ _ (LensFor lineItemQuantity) = tableLenses
Product (LensFor productId) (LensFor productTitle) (LensFor productDescription) (LensFor productPrice) = tableLenses

data ShoppingCartDb f = ShoppingCartDb
                      { _shoppingCartUsers         :: f (TableEntity UserT)
                      , _shoppingCartUserAddresses :: f (TableEntity AddressT)
                      , _shoppingCartProducts      :: f (TableEntity ProductT)
                      , _shoppingCartOrders        :: f (TableEntity OrderT)
                      , _shoppingCartShippingInfos :: f (TableEntity ShippingInfoT)
                      , _shoppingCartLineItems     :: f (TableEntity LineItemT) }
                        deriving (Generic, Database be)

ShoppingCartDb (TableLens shoppingCartUsers) (TableLens shoppingCartUserAddresses)
               (TableLens shoppingCartProducts) (TableLens shoppingCartOrders)
               (TableLens shoppingCartShippingInfos) (TableLens shoppingCartLineItems) = dbLenses

shoppingCartDb :: DatabaseSettings be ShoppingCartDb
shoppingCartDb = defaultDbSettings `withDbModification`
                 dbModification {
                   _shoppingCartUserAddresses =
                     setEntityName "addresses" <>
                     modifyTableFields tableModification {
                       _addressLine1 = "address1",
                       _addressLine2 = "address2"
                   _shoppingCartProducts = setEntityName "products",
                   _shoppingCartOrders = setEntityName "orders" <>
                                         modifyTableFields tableModification {
                                           _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId "shipping_info__id"
                   _shoppingCartShippingInfos = setEntityName "shipping_info" <>
                                                modifyTableFields tableModification {
                                                  _shippingInfoId = "id",
                                                  _shippingInfoCarrier = "carrier",
                                                  _shippingInfoTrackingNumber = "tracking_number"
                   _shoppingCartLineItems = setEntityName "line_items"


Let's put some sample data into a new database.

conn <- open "shoppingcart3.db"

execute_ conn "CREATE TABLE cart_users (email VARCHAR NOT NULL, first_name VARCHAR NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR NOT NULL, password VARCHAR NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY( email ));"
execute_ conn "CREATE TABLE orders ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, for_user__email VARCHAR NOT NULL, ship_to_address__id INT NOT NULL, shipping_info__id INT);"
execute_ conn "CREATE TABLE shipping_info ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, carrier VARCHAR NOT NULL, tracking_number VARCHAR NOT NULL);"
execute_ conn "CREATE TABLE line_items (item_in_order__id INTEGER NOT NULL, item_for_product__id INTEGER NOT NULL, item_quantity INTEGER NOT NULL)"

Let's put some sample data into our database. Below, we will use the beam-sqlite functions insertReturning and runInsertReturningList to insert rows and retrieve the inserted rows from the database. This will let us see what values the auto-incremented id columns took on, which will allow us to create references to these inserted rows.

let users@[james, betty, sam] =
          [ User "" "James" "Smith"  "b4cc344d25a2efe540adbf2678e2304c" {- james -}
          , User "" "Betty" "Jones"  "82b054bd83ffad9b6cf8bdb98ce3cc2f" {- betty -}
          , User ""   "Sam"   "Taylor" "332532dcfaa1cbf61e2a266bd723612c" {- sam -} ]
    addresses = [ Address default_ (val_ "123 Little Street") (val_ Nothing) (val_ "Boston") (val_ "MA") (val_ "12345") (pk james)
                , Address default_ (val_ "222 Main Street") (val_ (Just "Ste 1")) (val_ "Houston") (val_ "TX") (val_ "8888") (pk betty)
                , Address default_ (val_ "9999 Residence Ave") (val_ Nothing) (val_ "Sugarland") (val_ "TX") (val_ "8989") (pk betty) ]

    products = [ Product default_ (val_ "Red Ball") (val_ "A bright red, very spherical ball") (val_ 1000)
               , Product default_ (val_ "Math Textbook") (val_ "Contains a lot of important math theorems and formulae") (val_ 2500)
               , Product default_ (val_ "Intro to Haskell") (val_ "Learn the best programming language in the world") (val_ 3000)
               , Product default_ (val_ "Suitcase") "A hard durable suitcase" 15000 ]

(jamesAddress1, bettyAddress1, bettyAddress2, redBall, mathTextbook, introToHaskell, suitcase) <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $ do
    runInsert $ insert (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers) $
                insertValues users

    [jamesAddress1, bettyAddress1, bettyAddress2] <-
      runInsertReturningList $
      insertReturning (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUserAddresses) $ insertExpressions addresses

    [redBall, mathTextbook, introToHaskell, suitcase] <-
      runInsertReturningList $
      insertReturning (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartProducts) $ insertExpressions products

    pure ( jamesAddress1, bettyAddress1, bettyAddress2, redBall, mathTextbook, introToHaskell, suitcase )

Now, if we take a look at one of the returned addresses, like jamesAddress1, we see it has had the default_ values assigned correctly.

Prelude Database.Beam Database.Beam.Sqlite Data.Time Database.SQLite.Simple Data.Text Lens.Micro> jamesAddress1
Address {_addressId = 1, _addressLine1 = "123 Little Street", _addressLine2 = Nothing, _addressCity = "Boston", _addressState = "MA", _addressZip = "12345", _addressForUser = UserId ""}

Marshalling a custom type

Now we can insert shipping information. Of course, the shipping information contains the ShippingCarrier enumeration.

bettyShippingInfo <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $ do
    [bettyShippingInfo] <-
      runInsertReturningList $
      insertReturning (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartShippingInfos) $
      insertExpressions [ ShippingInfo default_ (val_ USPS) (val_ "12345790ABCDEFGHI") ]
    pure bettyShippingInfo

If you run this, you'll get an error from GHCi.

<interactive>:845:7: error:
     No instance for (FromBackendRow Sqlite ShippingCarrier)
        arising from a use of runInsertReturningList
     In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        [bettyShippingInfo] <- runInsertReturningList
                                 $ insertReturning (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartShippingInfos)
                                     $ insertExpressions
                                            default_ (val_ USPS) (val_ "12345790ABCDEFGHI")]

<interactive>:847:50: error:
     No instance for (Database.Beam.Backend.SQL.SQL92.HasSqlValueSyntax
                         Database.Beam.Sqlite.Syntax.SqliteValueSyntax ShippingCarrier)

These errors are because there's no way to express a ShippingCarrier in the backend syntax. We can fix this by writing instances for beam. We can re-use the functionality we already have for String.

The HasSqlValueSyntax class tells us how to convert a Haskell value into a corresponding backend value.

import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL

:set -XUndecidableInstances

instance HasSqlValueSyntax be String => HasSqlValueSyntax be ShippingCarrier where
  sqlValueSyntax = autoSqlValueSyntax

autoSqlValueSyntax uses the underlying Show instance to serialize a type to a string representation.

The FromBackendRow class tells us how to convert a value from the database into a corresponding Haskell value.

import qualified Data.Text as T -- for unpack

instance FromBackendRow Sqlite ShippingCarrier where
  fromBackendRow = read . T.unpack <$> fromBackendRow

Since, autoSqlValueSyntax uses the Show instance, we can simply use the Read instance.

Now, if we try to insert the shipping info again, it works.

bettyShippingInfo <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $ do
    [bettyShippingInfo] <-
      runInsertReturningList $
      insertReturning (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartShippingInfos) $
      insertExpressions [ ShippingInfo default_ (val_ USPS) (val_ "12345790ABCDEFGHI") ]
    pure bettyShippingInfo

And if we look at the value of bettyShippingInfo, ShippingCarrier has been stored correctly.

> bettyShippingInfo
ShippingInfo {_shippingInfoId = 1, _shippingInfoCarrier = USPS, _shippingInfoTrackingNumber = "12345790ABCDEFGHI"}

Now, let's insert some orders that just came in. We want to insert transactions with the current database timestamp (i.e., CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in SQL). We can do this using insertExpressions. If you run the example below, you'll see the resulting rows have a timestamp set by the database.

[ jamesOrder1, bettyOrder1, jamesOrder2 ] <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $ do
    runInsertReturningList $
      insertReturning (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders) $
      insertExpressions $
      [ Order default_ currentTimestamp_ (val_ (pk james)) (val_ (pk jamesAddress1)) nothing_
      , Order default_ currentTimestamp_ (val_ (pk betty)) (val_ (pk bettyAddress1)) (just_ (val_ (pk bettyShippingInfo)))
      , Order default_ currentTimestamp_ (val_ (pk james)) (val_ (pk jamesAddress1)) nothing_ ]

print jamesOrder1
print bettyOrder1
print jamesOrder2
INSERT INTO "orders"("date",

-- With values: [SQLText "",SQLInteger 1]

INSERT INTO "orders"("date",

-- With values: [SQLText "",SQLInteger 2,SQLInteger 1]

INSERT INTO "orders"("date",

-- With values: [SQLText "",SQLInteger 1]
Order {_orderId = 1, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:28:55, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 1, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId Nothing}
Order {_orderId = 2, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:28:55, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 2, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId (Just 1)}
Order {_orderId = 3, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:28:55, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 1, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId Nothing}

Finally, let's add some line items

let lineItems = [ LineItem (pk jamesOrder1) (pk redBall) 10
                , LineItem (pk jamesOrder1) (pk mathTextbook) 1
                , LineItem (pk jamesOrder1) (pk introToHaskell) 4

                , LineItem (pk bettyOrder1) (pk mathTextbook) 3
                , LineItem (pk bettyOrder1) (pk introToHaskell) 3

                , LineItem (pk jamesOrder2) (pk mathTextbook) 1 ]

runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $ do
  runInsert $ insert (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartLineItems) $
    insertValues lineItems
INSERT INTO "line_items"("item_in_order__id",
VALUES (?, ?, ?),
       (?, ?, ?),
       (?, ?, ?),
       (?, ?, ?),
       (?, ?, ?),
       (?, ?, ?);

-- With values: [SQLInteger 1,SQLInteger 1,SQLInteger 10,SQLInteger 1,SQLInteger 2,SQLInteger 1,SQLInteger 1,SQLInteger 3,SQLInteger 4,SQLInteger 2,SQLInteger 2,SQLInteger 3,SQLInteger 2,SQLInteger 3,SQLInteger 3,SQLInteger 3,SQLInteger 2,SQLInteger 1]

Phew! Let's write some queries on this data!

Would you like some left joins with that?

Suppose we want to do some analytics on our users, and so we want to know how many orders each user has made in our system. We can write a query to list every user along with the orders they've made. We can use leftJoin_ to include all users in our result set, even those who have no orders.

usersAndOrders <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $ do
      user  <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
      order <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders)) (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user)
      pure (user, order)

mapM_ print usersAndOrders
SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
       "t0"."first_name" AS "res1",
       "t0"."last_name" AS "res2",
       "t0"."password" AS "res3",
       "t1"."id" AS "res4",
       "t1"."date" AS "res5",
       "t1"."for_user__email" AS "res6",
       "t1"."ship_to_address__id" AS "res7",
       "t1"."shipping_info__id" AS "res8"
FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
LEFT JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON ("t1"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email");

-- With values: []
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "James", _userLastName = "Smith", _userPassword = "b4cc344d25a2efe540adbf2678e2304c"},Just (Order {_orderId = 1, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:29:02, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 1, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId Nothing}))
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "James", _userLastName = "Smith", _userPassword = "b4cc344d25a2efe540adbf2678e2304c"},Just (Order {_orderId = 3, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:29:02, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 1, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId Nothing}))
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Betty", _userLastName = "Jones", _userPassword = "82b054bd83ffad9b6cf8bdb98ce3cc2f"},Just (Order {_orderId = 2, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:29:02, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 2, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId (Just 1)}))
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Sam", _userLastName = "Taylor", _userPassword = "332532dcfaa1cbf61e2a266bd723612c"},Nothing)

Notice that Sam is included in the result set, even though he doesn't have any associated orders. Instead of a Just (Order ..), Nothing is returned instead.

Next, perhaps our marketing team wanted to send e-mails out to all users with no orders. We can use isNothing_ or isJust_ to determine the status if a nullable table or QExpr s (Maybe x). The following query uses isNothing_ to find users who have no associated orders.

usersWithNoOrders <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $ do
      user  <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
      order <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders)) (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user)
      guard_ (isNothing_ order)
      pure user

mapM_ print usersWithNoOrders
SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
       "t0"."first_name" AS "res1",
       "t0"."last_name" AS "res2",
       "t0"."password" AS "res3"
FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
LEFT JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON ("t1"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email")
WHERE ((((("t1"."id") IS NULL)
         AND (("t1"."date") IS NULL))
        AND (("t1"."for_user__email") IS NULL))
       AND (("t1"."ship_to_address__id") IS NULL))
  AND (("t1"."shipping_info__id") IS NULL);

-- With values: []
User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Sam", _userLastName = "Taylor", _userPassword = "332532dcfaa1cbf61e2a266bd723612c"}

We see that beam generates a sensible SQL SELECT and WHERE clause.

We can also use the exists_ combinator to utilize the SQL EXISTS clause.

usersWithNoOrders <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $ do
      user  <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
      guard_ (not_ (exists_ (filter_ (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user) (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders)))))
      pure user

mapM_ print usersWithNoOrders
SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
       "t0"."first_name" AS "res1",
       "t0"."last_name" AS "res2",
       "t0"."password" AS "res3"
FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
            (SELECT "sub_t0"."id" AS "res0", "sub_t0"."date" AS "res1", "sub_t0"."for_user__email" AS "res2", "sub_t0"."ship_to_address__id" AS "res3", "sub_t0"."shipping_info__id" AS "res4"
             FROM "orders" AS "sub_t0"
             WHERE ("sub_t0"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email")));

-- With values: []
User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Sam", _userLastName = "Taylor", _userPassword = "332532dcfaa1cbf61e2a266bd723612c"}

Now suppose we wanted to do some analysis on the orders themselves. To start, we want to get the orders sorted by their portion of revenue. We can use aggregate_ to list every order and the total amount of all products in that order.

ordersWithCostOrdered <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $
    orderBy_ (\(order, total) -> desc_ total) $
    aggregate_ (\(order, lineItem, product) ->
                   (group_ order, sum_ (lineItem ^. lineItemQuantity * product ^. productPrice))) $
    do lineItem <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartLineItems)
       order    <- related_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders) (_lineItemInOrder lineItem)
       product  <- related_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartProducts) (_lineItemForProduct lineItem)
       pure (order, lineItem, product)

mapM_ print ordersWithCostOrdered
SELECT "t1"."id" AS "res0",
       "t1"."date" AS "res1",
       "t1"."for_user__email" AS "res2",
       "t1"."ship_to_address__id" AS "res3",
       "t1"."shipping_info__id" AS "res4",
       SUM(("t0"."item_quantity") * ("t2"."price")) AS "res5"
FROM "line_items" AS "t0"
INNER JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON ("t0"."item_in_order__id")=("t1"."id")
INNER JOIN "products" AS "t2" ON ("t0"."item_for_product__id")=("t2"."id")
GROUP BY "t1"."id",
ORDER BY SUM(("t0"."item_quantity") * ("t2"."price")) DESC;

-- With values: []
(Order {_orderId = 1, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:29:15, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 1, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId Nothing},Just 24500)
(Order {_orderId = 2, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:29:15, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 2, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId (Just 1)},Just 16500)
(Order {_orderId = 3, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:29:15, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 1, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId Nothing},Just 2500)

We can also get the total amount spent by each user, even including users with no orders. Notice that we have to use maybe_ below in order to handle the fact that some tables have been introduced into our query with a left join. maybe_ is to QExpr what maybe is to normal Haskell values. maybe_ is polymorphic to either QExprs or full on tables of QExprs. For our purposes, the type of maybe_ is

maybe_ :: QExpr be s a -> (QExpr be s b -> QExpr be s a) -> QExpr be s (Maybe b) -> QExpr be s a

With that in mind, we can write the query to get the total spent by user

allUsersAndTotals <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $
    orderBy_ (\(user, total) -> desc_ total) $
    aggregate_ (\(user, lineItem, product) ->
                   (group_ user, sum_ (maybe_ 0 id (_lineItemQuantity lineItem) * maybe_ 0 id (product ^. productPrice)))) $
    do user     <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
       order    <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders))
                             (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user)
       lineItem <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartLineItems))
                             (\lineItem -> maybe_ (val_ False) (\order -> _lineItemInOrder lineItem `references_` order) order)
       product  <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartProducts))
                             (\product -> maybe_ (val_ False) (\lineItem -> _lineItemForProduct lineItem `references_` product) lineItem)
       pure (user, lineItem, product)

mapM_ print allUsersAndTotals
SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
       "t0"."first_name" AS "res1",
       "t0"."last_name" AS "res2",
       "t0"."password" AS "res3",
                WHEN ("t2"."item_quantity") IS NOT NULL THEN "t2"."item_quantity"
                ELSE ?
            END) * (CASE
                        WHEN ("t3"."price") IS NOT NULL THEN "t3"."price"
                        ELSE ?
                    END)) AS "res4"
FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
LEFT JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON ("t1"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email")
LEFT JOIN "line_items" AS "t2" ON CASE
                                      WHEN ((((("t1"."id") IS NOT NULL)
                                              AND (("t1"."date") IS NOT NULL))
                                             AND (("t1"."for_user__email") IS NOT NULL))
                                            AND (("t1"."ship_to_address__id") IS NOT NULL))
                                           AND (("t1"."shipping_info__id") IS NOT NULL) THEN ("t2"."item_in_order__id")=("t1"."id")
                                      ELSE ?
LEFT JOIN "products" AS "t3" ON CASE
                                    WHEN ((("t2"."item_in_order__id") IS NOT NULL)
                                          AND (("t2"."item_for_product__id") IS NOT NULL))
                                         AND (("t2"."item_quantity") IS NOT NULL) THEN ("t2"."item_for_product__id")=("t3"."id")
                                    ELSE ?
GROUP BY "t0"."email",
                  WHEN ("t2"."item_quantity") IS NOT NULL THEN "t2"."item_quantity"
                  ELSE ?
              END) * (CASE
                          WHEN ("t3"."price") IS NOT NULL THEN "t3"."price"
                          ELSE ?
                      END)) DESC;

-- With values: [SQLInteger 0,SQLInteger 0,SQLInteger 0,SQLInteger 0,SQLInteger 0,SQLInteger 0]
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Betty", _userLastName = "Jones", _userPassword = "82b054bd83ffad9b6cf8bdb98ce3cc2f"},Just 16500)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "James", _userLastName = "Smith", _userPassword = "b4cc344d25a2efe540adbf2678e2304c"},Just 0)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Sam", _userLastName = "Taylor", _userPassword = "332532dcfaa1cbf61e2a266bd723612c"},Just 0)

Take a couple seconds to examine the SQL generated by this query. Notice how every time we used maybe_ a CASE statement was emitted. While this provides a good match for Haskell semantics we are used to, it is also not always desireable in practice due to severe performance implications.

Some RDBMSs, like Postgres, given such a query will be unable to utilize available indexes to perform join operations - this translates to extremely poor perfomance for even moderately sized data.

Luckily, Beam also provides an alternate way to phrase things that directly maps to SQL semantics

allUsersAndTotals2 <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $
    orderBy_ (\(user, total) -> desc_ total) $
    aggregate_ (\(user, lineItem, product) ->
                   (group_ user, sum_ (maybe_ 0 id (_lineItemQuantity lineItem) * maybe_ 0 id (product ^. productPrice)))) $
    do user     <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
       order    <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders))
                             (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user)
       lineItem <- leftJoin_' (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartLineItems))
                              (\lineItem -> just_ (_lineItemInOrder lineItem) ==?. pk order)
       product  <- leftJoin_' (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartProducts))
                              (\product -> _lineItemForProduct lineItem ==?. just_ (pk product))
       pure (user, lineItem, product)

mapM_ print allUsersAndTotals2
SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
       "t0"."first_name" AS "res1",
       "t0"."last_name" AS "res2",
       "t0"."password" AS "res3",
                WHEN ("t2"."item_quantity") IS NOT NULL THEN "t2"."item_quantity"
                ELSE ?
            END) * (CASE
                        WHEN ("t3"."price") IS NOT NULL THEN "t3"."price"
                        ELSE ?
                    END)) AS "res4"
FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
LEFT JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON ("t1"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email")
LEFT JOIN "line_items" AS "t2" ON ("t2"."item_in_order__id")=("t1"."id")
LEFT JOIN "products" AS "t3" ON ("t2"."item_for_product__id")=("t3"."id")
GROUP BY "t0"."email",
                  WHEN ("t2"."item_quantity") IS NOT NULL THEN "t2"."item_quantity"
                  ELSE ?
              END) * (CASE
                          WHEN ("t3"."price") IS NOT NULL THEN "t3"."price"
                          ELSE ?
                      END)) DESC;

-- With values: [SQLInteger 0,SQLInteger 0,SQLInteger 0,SQLInteger 0]
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "James", _userLastName = "Smith", _userPassword = "b4cc344d25a2efe540adbf2678e2304c"},Just 27000)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Betty", _userLastName = "Jones", _userPassword = "82b054bd83ffad9b6cf8bdb98ce3cc2f"},Just 16500)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Sam", _userLastName = "Taylor", _userPassword = "332532dcfaa1cbf61e2a266bd723612c"},Just 0)

Notice how we managed to eliminate maybe_ from the join conditions by using the SqlBool version of leftJoin_, leftJoin_' together with just_ and the SqlBool version of the equality operator ==?.. Compare the generated SQL with the previous query. You can read more about how Beam handles NULL values in the Queries, Relationships section in the User Guide.

Queries with nullable foreign keys

Recall that our schema contains a nullable foreign key from OrderT to ShippingInfoT. Above, we've seen how leftJoin_ introduces nullable tables into our queries. Below, we'll see how to use nullable primary keys to optionally include information.

Suppose we want to find all orders who have not been shipped. We can do this by simply writing a query over the orders.

allUnshippedOrders <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $
    filter_ (isNothing_ . _orderShippingInfo) $
    all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders)

mapM_ print allUnshippedOrders
SELECT "t0"."id" AS "res0",
       "t0"."date" AS "res1",
       "t0"."for_user__email" AS "res2",
       "t0"."ship_to_address__id" AS "res3",
       "t0"."shipping_info__id" AS "res4"
FROM "orders" AS "t0"
WHERE ("t0"."shipping_info__id") IS NULL;

-- With values: []
Order {_orderId = 1, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:29:29, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 1, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId Nothing}
Order {_orderId = 3, _orderDate = 2022-01-18 01:29:29, _orderForUser = UserId "", _orderShipToAddress = AddressId 1, _orderShippingInfo = ShippingInfoId Nothing}

Let's count up all shipped and unshipped orders by user, including users who have no orders.

shippingInformationByUser <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $
    aggregate_ (\(user, order) ->
                   let ShippingInfoId shippingInfoId = _orderShippingInfo order
                   in ( group_ user
                      , as_ @Int32 $ count_ (as_ @(Maybe Int32) (maybe_ (just_ 1) (\_ -> nothing_) shippingInfoId))
                      , as_ @Int32 $ count_ shippingInfoId ) ) $
    do user  <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
       order <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders)) (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user)
       pure (user, order)

mapM_ print shippingInformationByUser
SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
       "t0"."first_name" AS "res1",
       "t0"."last_name" AS "res2",
       "t0"."password" AS "res3",
                 WHEN ("t1"."shipping_info__id") IS NOT NULL THEN NULL
                 ELSE ?
             END) AS "res4",
       COUNT("t1"."shipping_info__id") AS "res5"
FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
LEFT JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON ("t1"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email")
GROUP BY "t0"."email",

-- With values: [SQLInteger 1]
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Betty", _userLastName = "Jones", _userPassword = "82b054bd83ffad9b6cf8bdb98ce3cc2f"},0,1)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "James", _userLastName = "Smith", _userPassword = "b4cc344d25a2efe540adbf2678e2304c"},2,0)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Sam", _userLastName = "Taylor", _userPassword = "332532dcfaa1cbf61e2a266bd723612c"},1,0)

Uh-oh! There's an error in the result set! Sam is reported as having one unshipped order, instead of zero.

Here we hit one of the limitations of beam's mapping to SQL, and really one of the limitations of SQL itself. Namely, the NULL in the result rows for Sam is not distinguished from the NULL in the shipping info key itself. Beam however does make the distinction.

When beam deserializes a NULL in a Maybe field, the outermost Maybe is the one populated with Nothing. Thus it is impossible to retrieve a value like Just Nothing from the database using the default serializers and deserializers. In general, it's best to avoid highly nested Maybes in your queries because it makes them more difficult to understand.

One way to work around this issue in the above query is to use subselects.

shippingInformationByUser <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $
    do user <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)

       (userEmail, unshippedCount) <-
         aggregate_ (\(userEmail, order) -> (group_ userEmail, as_ @Int32 countAll_)) $
         do user  <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
            order <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders))
                               (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user &&. isNothing_ (_orderShippingInfo order))
            pure (pk user, order)

       guard_ (userEmail `references_` user)

       (userEmail, shippedCount) <-
         aggregate_ (\(userEmail, order) -> (group_ userEmail, as_ @Int32 countAll_)) $
         do user  <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
            order <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders))
                               (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user &&. isJust_ (_orderShippingInfo order))
            pure (pk user, order)
       guard_ (userEmail `references_` user)

       pure (user, unshippedCount, shippedCount)

mapM_ print shippingInformationByUser
SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
       "t0"."first_name" AS "res1",
       "t0"."last_name" AS "res2",
       "t0"."password" AS "res3",
       "t1"."res1" AS "res4",
       "t2"."res1" AS "res5"
FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
  (SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
          COUNT(*) AS "res1"
   FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
   LEFT JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON (("t1"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email"))
   AND (("t1"."shipping_info__id") IS NULL)
   GROUP BY "t0"."email") AS "t1"
  (SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
          COUNT(*) AS "res1"
   FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
   LEFT JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON (("t1"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email"))
   AND (("t1"."shipping_info__id") IS NOT NULL)
   GROUP BY "t0"."email") AS "t2"
WHERE (("t1"."res0")=("t0"."email"))
  AND (("t2"."res0")=("t0"."email"));

-- With values: []
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Betty", _userLastName = "Jones", _userPassword = "82b054bd83ffad9b6cf8bdb98ce3cc2f"},1,1)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "James", _userLastName = "Smith", _userPassword = "b4cc344d25a2efe540adbf2678e2304c"},2,1)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Sam", _userLastName = "Taylor", _userPassword = "332532dcfaa1cbf61e2a266bd723612c"},1,1)

Notice that the aggregate_s embedded in the Q monad were automatically converted into sub SELECTs. This is because beam queries are composable -- you can use them wherever they type check and sensible SQL will result. Of course, if you want more control, you can also use the subselect_ combinator to force generation of a sub SELECT.

shippingInformationByUser <-
  runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn conn $
    runSelectReturningList $
    select $
    do user <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)

       (userEmail, unshippedCount) <-
         subselect_ $
         aggregate_ (\(userEmail, order) -> (group_ userEmail, as_ @Int32 countAll_)) $
         do user  <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
            order <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders))
                               (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user &&. isNothing_ (_orderShippingInfo order))
            pure (pk user, order)

       guard_ (userEmail `references_` user)

       (userEmail, shippedCount) <-
         subselect_ $
         aggregate_ (\(userEmail, order) -> (group_ userEmail, as_ @Int32 countAll_)) $
         do user  <- all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartUsers)
            order <- leftJoin_ (all_ (shoppingCartDb ^. shoppingCartOrders))
                               (\order -> _orderForUser order `references_` user &&. isJust_ (_orderShippingInfo order))
            pure (pk user, order)
       guard_ (userEmail `references_` user)

       pure (user, unshippedCount, shippedCount)

mapM_ print shippingInformationByUser
SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
       "t0"."first_name" AS "res1",
       "t0"."last_name" AS "res2",
       "t0"."password" AS "res3",
       "t1"."res1" AS "res4",
       "t2"."res1" AS "res5"
FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
  (SELECT "t0"."res0" AS "res0",
          "t0"."res1" AS "res1"
     (SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
             COUNT(*) AS "res1"
      FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
      LEFT JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON (("t1"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email"))
      AND (("t1"."shipping_info__id") IS NULL)
      GROUP BY "t0"."email") AS "t0") AS "t1"
  (SELECT "t0"."res0" AS "res0",
          "t0"."res1" AS "res1"
     (SELECT "t0"."email" AS "res0",
             COUNT(*) AS "res1"
      FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"
      LEFT JOIN "orders" AS "t1" ON (("t1"."for_user__email")=("t0"."email"))
      AND (("t1"."shipping_info__id") IS NOT NULL)
      GROUP BY "t0"."email") AS "t0") AS "t2"
WHERE (("t1"."res0")=("t0"."email"))
  AND (("t2"."res0")=("t0"."email"));

-- With values: []
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Betty", _userLastName = "Jones", _userPassword = "82b054bd83ffad9b6cf8bdb98ce3cc2f"},1,1)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "James", _userLastName = "Smith", _userPassword = "b4cc344d25a2efe540adbf2678e2304c"},2,1)
(User {_userEmail = "", _userFirstName = "Sam", _userLastName = "Taylor", _userPassword = "332532dcfaa1cbf61e2a266bd723612c"},1,1)


This tutorial completes our sequence on creating a shopping cart. Throughout the tutorials, we saw how to create tables using regular Haskell data types, how to link those tables up using relations, how to query tables using both the monadic interface and the list-like functions on queries. We saw ha few examples of using beam to generate advanced queries. More information on the Beam API is havailable on hackage. Happy beaming!

Beam is a work in progress. Please submit bugs and patches on GitHub.